PLEASE! Wake up.
Hello. My name is Brandon Jones. I am a human being. I am a human being who also happens to be a fiance', a son, a brother, an uncle, a nephew, a grandson, a friend, an actor, a musician, a singer, a songwriter, a filmmaker, an entrepreneur, a taxpayer, an American citizen, a registered voter who votes, a blogger, a male and also black. How I have described myself is not unlike how millions of other human beings could describe themselves. So, what makes me different? Why is it that every year hundreds of thousands of human beings who fit my description are hunted and killed? We are not animals. Like animals we are hunted for our skin. Not as trophies or for material possession to be worn as a posh winter fashion, no, we are killed for having a darker pigment which causes our skin to be darker than our predators-for the most part. What I am about to say is going to upset a lot of people and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. It's time for ALL of us, to WAKE UP.
You will notice I said human beings with darker skin are being killed for having darker skin-for the most part because it is without a doubt true. Statistics, misinformation, and lack of knowledge support my claim. For hundreds of years the miseducation of the citizens of this country have created hunters and the hunted. Though we are not animals in the physiological sense, we behave much like our wild four-legged friends who experience a Darwinian way of life. While physically we have evolved into stronger, faster beings, many of us have blissfully remained in a state of mental arrested development. The little bit of information passed from generation to generation about human beings who happen to be black has been the catalyst for a seek and destroy mentality ever since human beings who happen to be black have gained their physical freedom.
Black human beings aka: niggers, coons, porch monkeys, jungle bunnies, Kunta, moolies, bucks, jiggaboos, knuckle draggers, pickaninnies, eggplants, shitskins, spades, yard apes and various other slurs since our emancipation, have been the victims of lynchings (legal and illegal), the introduction of and the war on drugs in America, police brutality (legal and illegal), assassinations, and now a militarized police force in America.
Freedom. If there is one thing I have learned in my short time on this earth as a HUMAN BEING who happens to be a black male, it is that FREEDOM is not FREE. Yes, EnVogue was on to something with their smash hit single "Free Your Mind", do that and in theory the rest will follow.
The problem is, there is a set of old rusted keys that were cut way back in the day when this nation was formed, that no one truly wants to find and that have millions of minds still arrested because the cost of true freedom is high. Let's just be honest:

It costs too much for human beings who happen to be white to acknowledge and accept that their privilege is a real thing. It costs to much for those same human beings who happen to be white to accept that white human beings who kill their own children, who kill their own parents or who proclaim themselves the "Son of S.A.M." get handcuffed and are given fair trials and are imprisoned, while young human beings who happen to be black or latino can be unarmed or stand up for what they believe is right and be shot down because someone somewhere told the shooter that those kids are animals and are dangerous.
It costs too much for Republicans and Democrats to work together to solve the issues we the people vote for and pay them to solve. It costs too much for the distribution of wealth in this country to reflect who works hard for this country and who hardly works.
It costs too much for human beings who happen to be black to look in the mirror and address our issues within our community. It costs too much to recognize, understand and stand on the fact that we as human beings who happen to be black were NEVER niggers, coons, bucks, yard apes, pickaninnies, moolies, spades, eggplants, and jiggaboos. If we did that, we would not have to explain to human beings who are not black that, "it's okay for me to call another black person nigga" because it means something different. If we did that, we'd stop selling drugs (brought to this country by human beings who happen to hold powerful positions in our government), to each other in our own neighborhoods. If we did that, we'd stop robbing and shooting each other with guns brought to this country by those same human beings who supply us with drugs. If we did that, we would stop posting short videos of us fighting each other in public and standing over the loser screaming, "WORLDSTAR!!" If we did that, we would stop being proud to be ratchet and hood. If we did that, we'd start valuing our lives. If we did that we'd realize that united we stand tall and divided we fall. If we did that, the funds we work hard for then stand in long lines for hours to throw away on shoes made in a factory in China would instead go toward cultivating the minds of our youth so that we have more Neil Degrasse Tysons, Garrett Morgans, Francis Harpers, and Bessie Colemans. If we did that, whenever the going got tough, we would THINK before destroying what we built any time someone did us wrong. If we did that, we would be educating ourselves and the rest of the world about who and what we really are.
The sad thing that keeps this vicious cycle making its rounds is that we don't really want what we say we want. We are all lazy. We ask God for all of these things but we don't want to do anything to help Him/Her help us. We say we want one nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for ALL but we refuse to free our minds of the thinking that those great "founding fathers" who taught racist capitalism infused into the fabric of the red white and blue. We want freedom to be free so we imprison ourselves and dream of a reality that would be tangible if we would only be willing to foot the bill to have it. That bill may cost friends, "likes", "favorites" and retweets" on social media and even a blow to your popularity. It may cost not getting the party's nomination for a government office or an invitation to the country club or secret society. If that's more important, dream on.
No matter what race you happen to be, chances are if you are reading this, you are a human being. If you are, then you must realize we have a lot of work to do as a HUMAN race. If you are asking why black people make everything about race, you might want to scroll back to the top and re-read this piece or read a newspaper that is NOT funded with corporate dollars. If you are tired of people saying cops are bad, I am too. I am also tired of cops, WHITE AND BLACK, killing human beings who fit my description. If you're asking, "What can I do to make a difference?" Please... listen to the alarm clocks that are the current events in this world and...Wake. Up.
You will notice I said human beings with darker skin are being killed for having darker skin-for the most part because it is without a doubt true. Statistics, misinformation, and lack of knowledge support my claim. For hundreds of years the miseducation of the citizens of this country have created hunters and the hunted. Though we are not animals in the physiological sense, we behave much like our wild four-legged friends who experience a Darwinian way of life. While physically we have evolved into stronger, faster beings, many of us have blissfully remained in a state of mental arrested development. The little bit of information passed from generation to generation about human beings who happen to be black has been the catalyst for a seek and destroy mentality ever since human beings who happen to be black have gained their physical freedom.
Black human beings aka: niggers, coons, porch monkeys, jungle bunnies, Kunta, moolies, bucks, jiggaboos, knuckle draggers, pickaninnies, eggplants, shitskins, spades, yard apes and various other slurs since our emancipation, have been the victims of lynchings (legal and illegal), the introduction of and the war on drugs in America, police brutality (legal and illegal), assassinations, and now a militarized police force in America.
It costs too much for Republicans and Democrats to work together to solve the issues we the people vote for and pay them to solve. It costs too much for the distribution of wealth in this country to reflect who works hard for this country and who hardly works.
It costs too much for human beings who happen to be black to look in the mirror and address our issues within our community. It costs too much to recognize, understand and stand on the fact that we as human beings who happen to be black were NEVER niggers, coons, bucks, yard apes, pickaninnies, moolies, spades, eggplants, and jiggaboos. If we did that, we would not have to explain to human beings who are not black that, "it's okay for me to call another black person nigga" because it means something different. If we did that, we'd stop selling drugs (brought to this country by human beings who happen to hold powerful positions in our government), to each other in our own neighborhoods. If we did that, we'd stop robbing and shooting each other with guns brought to this country by those same human beings who supply us with drugs. If we did that, we would stop posting short videos of us fighting each other in public and standing over the loser screaming, "WORLDSTAR!!" If we did that, we would stop being proud to be ratchet and hood. If we did that, we'd start valuing our lives. If we did that we'd realize that united we stand tall and divided we fall. If we did that, the funds we work hard for then stand in long lines for hours to throw away on shoes made in a factory in China would instead go toward cultivating the minds of our youth so that we have more Neil Degrasse Tysons, Garrett Morgans, Francis Harpers, and Bessie Colemans. If we did that, whenever the going got tough, we would THINK before destroying what we built any time someone did us wrong. If we did that, we would be educating ourselves and the rest of the world about who and what we really are.
The sad thing that keeps this vicious cycle making its rounds is that we don't really want what we say we want. We are all lazy. We ask God for all of these things but we don't want to do anything to help Him/Her help us. We say we want one nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for ALL but we refuse to free our minds of the thinking that those great "founding fathers" who taught racist capitalism infused into the fabric of the red white and blue. We want freedom to be free so we imprison ourselves and dream of a reality that would be tangible if we would only be willing to foot the bill to have it. That bill may cost friends, "likes", "favorites" and retweets" on social media and even a blow to your popularity. It may cost not getting the party's nomination for a government office or an invitation to the country club or secret society. If that's more important, dream on.
No matter what race you happen to be, chances are if you are reading this, you are a human being. If you are, then you must realize we have a lot of work to do as a HUMAN race. If you are asking why black people make everything about race, you might want to scroll back to the top and re-read this piece or read a newspaper that is NOT funded with corporate dollars. If you are tired of people saying cops are bad, I am too. I am also tired of cops, WHITE AND BLACK, killing human beings who fit my description. If you're asking, "What can I do to make a difference?" Please... listen to the alarm clocks that are the current events in this world and...Wake. Up.
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