Dream Big
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Is there anything that you do that if it were taken from you, you'd feel as though you'd have no reason for living?
Do you have hopes and dreams, aspirations and visions of transcending your current situation leaving a legacy at which your descendants, friends and those who learn your story, can't stop beaming with pride and enlightenment?
America is the land of dreams and prosperity, or so we are told and lead to believe as wide eyed children in the classrooms of this great nation. Our sponge-like brains soak up information of heroic figures and the founding fathers of this country and glorify them, their rise to power and document their legendary status in our history books.
All legends have a dream of making a contribution to the world that will leave it better (in their minds) than they found it. All legends make a sacrifice, be it their time, their money, friends and relationships and in some cases their lives. Legends are often known for doing the right thing, even when it isn't always the popular choice. Legends don't let the fear of not being cool or the daunting tasks requiring hard work deter them from devoting every fiber of their being to achieving greatness.
For every Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Meryl Streep, Miles Davis, Isaac Newton, Steve Jobs, Abraham Lincoln, Confucius, and Leonardo daVinci or Stephen Hawking, there are millions of people who buckle under the pressure, concede to adversity and allow their dreams to be deferred.
Today in America and in some parts of the world, we celebrate Dr. King and his dream. His dream was deeply rooted in the American dream. It was a dream that manifested itself into the reality of this nation not only electing and inaugurating a bi-racial president once, but doing so twice under dark clouds of racism, billowing winds of impatience, and hail storms of scrutiny and violence. How fitting that today we, as a nation, celebrate one of the greatest dreamers the world has ever known and once again inaugurate the embodiment of his dream as our president and commander in chief.
What is your dream?
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