Take Off Your Cool

I have issues. 

I don't like to sit down because I'm more comfortable when I stand. I eat my sandwich crust first counter clockwise. I love a woman but can't bring myself to trust her or any others of her sex due to past relationships and experiences. This has prevented me from being able to relax and enjoy fully the time and company of a woman I date. I'm left handed but perform most tasks with my right hand and I always put on my socks and shoes from right to left. You know, now that I think about it, I only write and eat with my left hand. I've been told that I'm too nice and I agree with that assessment when it comes to certain situations. I listen to people and offer my assistance to them even when knowing they are taking advantage of me. When I go to bed at night, I cannot sleep unless I am resting on the side of the bed closest to the door.

I say and list all of these things to allow you the reader to get better acquainted with me. After all, this blog is about me. Today I just felt like sharing a little information about myself. Oddly enough, I learn things about myself when I write an "open book" post. I'm a very private person. That is something I already knew, but I didn't realize to what degree I withhold information about my life until I began to write. When I'm questioned about my personal life or where I'm going or where I've been, I can be rather short in my response. This is not the case every time I'm asked those questions, but remember, I'm a bit temperamental. Sometimes I just don't like to talk about myself. So why have a blog?  I said I don't like to talk about myself, writing is different.  I feel that through writing I'm able to express myself to the world eloquently and just as truthfully (if not moreso) because I have time to gather my thoughts and let it all hang out... to a degree.  Look, we all monitor and filter ourselves.  I'm working on removing those filters through my writing and attempting to express myself and share parts of my world uncut and raw.  I find that the truth is sexy, very appealing.  The truth is also freeing and reminds me that my truth is good enough for any and everyone who wishes to get to know me.  The same can be said for you. 

Take off your cool!

A goal I have for this blog and my writing is to reveal the truth-my truth more with each post or attempt.  In order for you to get to know me, you have to learn my bones, their structure and the marrow within them.  You need to learn the type of the blood flowing through my veins and see where cartilage and ligaments have been weakened or strengthened from experience. The fibers that make up my muscle tone have been shaped by numerous events in life and the fatty tissues are products of many joys and pains.  My skin is as thick as a rhino's in places and as thin as tissue paper in others. Growing in waves, my hair is an extension of all that is me: my past and my present and it is my pleasure to begin to share with you my experiences, thoughts and feelings.  As an artist, this is very helpful for me.  Finding a new way to express myself, a way in which I haven't been trained or educated greatly, is exciting.  I'm taking off the cool and just being who I am.

What about you is intriguing or a mystery?  What would we learn if you revealed yourself to the world layer by layer, removing the filter and turning off the monitor? A good way to find out is to challenge yourself to a stripping contest.  Each day, be honest with yourself and write it down or make a video or audio recording.  You could simply tell somebody your truth.  That somebody doesn't even have to be a human being.  If you have imaginary friends, pets, stuffed animals or pictures to you talk to, tell them!  Once you begin to reveal the real you, that person you used to wish would pay attention to you will begin to take notice. The world and life you always wanted will open up and allow you to live in the way you've always dreamed. 

Sure it's easier said than done, but we come into this world naked and then are quickly covered and are taught to conceal and cover up because it makes others uncomfortable.  I don't know about you, but when I know more about the person in front of me, I'm more apt let down my guard and share more about myself. That's just me... I'm not saying become a stripper or run around telling your business all willy nilly, I love that expression.  What I'm suggesting is for you to find your truth.  At the end of the day, nobody can be you but you.  Embrace all that is you and when you feel the time is right, begin to share yourself with the world.  It might be a better place once you do.


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