Gotta Have Faith

George Michael says he's gotta have it.

Some people say it's what gets them through the ups and downs of life.

#52 aka Ray Lewis, for those of you who don't follow the NFL, attributes his longevity and success as one of the greatest football, excuse me, American football players to ever play the game, to his faith.

*Please note:  In America, soccer and football are two different things whereas the rest of the world calls what we call soccer, football... Hence my clarification when stating #52's greatness.

We all have it. It allows us to put one foot in front of the other, to sit in a chair, to fly in a plane. It's faith.

Faith is that trust and belief in yourself, your team, your cast and yes, God, no matter what you call him, that you can make it through the wars of your life. Each time I take the stage, I have butterflies but my faith in my preparation and scene partners allows me to fully commit to the choices made while onstage. That same faith allows me to confidently strum the steel strings on my finely tuned Fender acoustic guitar knowing that when my fingers are in a certain position I will play a chord.

Do you like being around confident people or better yet do you like having confidence in yourself? If the answer is yes to either of these, then you respect the concept of faith, even if like me, you aren't religious. Even if you are a religious person the reason you have faith is your confidence in God and His word.

In all that you do, faith is involved. If you want to strengthen your faith, you have to practice. Vocalists have faith in their voices to hit those high notes because of the care and techniques they employ when singing. Athletes have faith in their abilities to perform under pressure in front of thousands because of the blood, sweat and tears devoted to their sport.

If you lack self confidence, chances are you might need to do more with your God-given gifts. Trust them, they are GOD-GIVEN. You already have faith in God, try having faith in one of his greatest creations: YOU


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