Freestyle Fridays

What topic is on your mind that you would love to debate?  Let me know and I'll be happy to debate you or at least give my opinion and be open to reading yours.  Every Friday to keep this fresh, I'm going to allow a reader of my blog to choose the topic for the day.  We'll call it Freestyle Friday.  Whoever gives me the best topic (yes, I get to choose since it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to), will not only get a shout out in the post, I'll do my best to write a post about that topic and will even be game for an open debate on it.  This is your chance readers!  If something is on your mind, let it off and we can discuss it.

The lucky winner for today is J. Dooley from Brooklyn, NY.  Her topic for the day is: Is the grass really greener?  I say hell no!

Thank you for playing J. Dooley we have some lovely parting gifts for you.  Be sure to stop by or for all of your art and good, real music needs.

No, look, the grass is not greener on the other side of town.  Sure, they may get more sun or have more rain or have bigger lawns.  Sure they may have better lawnmowers and fertilizer.  They may have the best landscapers money can buy but let me tell you this, and you can take this to the bank, those very lawns have patches of brown.  We may not always see those patches because those that have pay an arm and a leg to the landscaping company to hide the truth, but the patches do come and go just like on our side of town.  During droughts dry brittle lawns can be seen far and wide.  What was once green and lush with vitality and vibrance, becomes hard, dead and dry as bones in desert sand during a dry spell.  When the rains return, reviving the dirt creating rich, nutrient soil, the grass begins to grow green and all appears to be well.  Is not this like life?

We all go through rainy periods, sunny times, and droughts in our lives.  How many times have we wished we had more money or a better job, or nicer clothes or a nicer house?  Commercials on television and pretty faces on magazines have we consumers feeling inferior with our lots in life and longing for greener pastures.  To hell with that!  Dream, sure!  Set goals and want better for yourself, yes!!!  Don't ever think that you're not good enough or that what you have inside of you can't improve your current situation.  What someone else has, they weren't given, it was earned at some point in time by someone who had a work ethic and belief in themselves that said I don't want to be like the uptight arrogant asshole Smiths, I'm a Jones!  Let them all keep up with me!

Each of us have the ingredients necessary to create green pastures that become the envy of many.  Be happy you have a lawn and put lots of time and care into it.  After all, it is YOUR lawn.  What it becomes is up to you.  Wishing you were on the other side enjoying the fruits of others means you will also be wishing for the labor that created that fruit.  Remember that!

Thanks again to J. Dooley for providing the topic of this week's Freestyle Friday.  This was as fun as watching YouTube videos of people falling down and it gave me a good challenge.  For the record, I do not think all Smiths are uptight arrogant assholes and I don't have enough time on my hands to sit and watch people fall down on YouTube.  Be safe out there and enjoy your weekend!


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