Less Is More

Would you believe me if I told you that less is more? All you have to do is look at iconic figures in sports and entertainment or those obsessed with material things or hoarders to prove my point. The constant need for more and inability to let go weighs us down in so many ways. During my four years studying acting at the University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music, we were taught to simplify the work and not push. Pushing makes the work feel forced and reads false and actually blocks the actor from living and breathing in the moment and world of the play. Trying too hard takes you away from where you want to be.

Let's look at some examples of less being more in case you aren't quite sold and are still thinking of buying that bedazzled acid washed jacket and fuchsia leather pants.

Have you ever seen someone who is obsessed with tanning? If you're not sure, they are the person whose skin looks like leather and often their skin is burnt orange. Does anyone want to be compared to one of the Cullen kids from Twilight when it comes to skin tone? Probably not. However, an obsession with tanning and doing it too often can not only cause you to be mistaken for luggage, you could give yourself skin cancer and other health problems.

Still not convinced? Let's look at a celebrity case of less is more. As much as I love him, my man Michael Jackson went a little too far and could have benefited from a less is more mentality. The man, made millions and died in debt due to his need to buy the elephant man's bones, enough animals that he had an actual zoo and amusement park at his house, and last but not least the plastic surgery. As brilliant and gifted as MJ was, he never had enough. He never had enough love or assurance and that he was good enough the way he was and it ultimately took his life. That one was hard because I'm a huge MJ fan but I'm making a point.

There's nothing wrong with hard work and wanting to improve oneself. I encourage it. Trying too hard to be something you're not or not being happy with who and what you are; the essence of you, can lead to an abyss of problems and confusion. If life seems to be too complex and you are losing control of yourself, simplify things. Get off of Facebook. Leave your cell phone off while watching a movie. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are good enough and that you love yourself. Then, you will begin to improve in a healthy way that is productive and conducive to a life of satisfaction and fulfillment without feeling the need to first please others. If you don't value yourself, what value could you be to others?

Less is more than none at all. If you have a little, make the most of it. You'll be amazed to find a little goes a long way when it comes to your passions. Best to you on your journey.


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