It's OK to not be OK

I had a good workout after a full day at the office.  I'm in the process of burning copies of DVDs and getting frustrated with that process and realized I hadn't yet blogged for the day.  Today is one of those days that I don't have a whole lot to say that will inspire you or make you feel great.  Hey, it's like that sometimes!

I will say this: you get out of life what you put into it.  For many it doesn't seem or feel like that statement is true.  You're probably saying, "Yeah right, Brandon!  Bad things happen to good people.  I work hard and am still broke, I Love hard and get hurt even worse.  You are wrong!"  To you I say, you're right, those things have been true and have happened all day every day to not only people like you, but also to me.  However, if you go to the gym and work hard and eat right, you see results.  If you study and practice doing the thing(s) you want to do well, in time you see results.  Say to yourself, I am working hard and it is paying off!" It is!  You may not be allowing yourself to see it.  That's OK.  It is actually OK to not be or feel OK.  The reality is, you're much better than you think you are.  Think about it:

You're able to stretch a light paycheck or no paycheck at all into meals, paid bills (a bill paid late is still paid), shelter, and whatever you need to keep working hard.

Your body works hard to heal itself enough to wake up every morning (better than the alternative) giving you another chance to apply what you learned yesterday to the experiences you'll have today.

If you don't have a job, you woke up this morning with a roof over your head and your job search is giving you a job.  You're learning that you have the endurance and patience to not only search for but to receive the job that you are meant to be doing instead of a quick fix that will frustrate you and make you unhappier than you are currently.  I know, I know, you can tell me to kiss it.  Just remember, I'm an artist and I'm not rolling in the dough either but I do what I love, try to see the glass as half full or go thirsty.  It's up to you.

You're learning things about yourself on this journey.  You're learning that you are capable of working your ass off day in and day out and won't take "no" for an answer.  You're learning that you are tougher than you thought because you keep getting up after being knocked down.

If you're a resident of NYC or another big city in the world, you learn on a daily basis that you are able to deal with millions of people, noise, cars, subways, and buses without snapping and/or giving up.  You may feel like you want to but there's something inside of you that makes you stick with it day in and day out.  Only you know what that is.

We all feel weak at times.  Just remember your strength got you to this point of feeling weak.  This period of pain is the weakness leaving your body so that you can pick yourself up, continue to live strong and move forward in your life gaining experience that will lead you to where you are meant to be.  Believe it or not, you're already there or you'd be somewhere else.  


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