Grace of a Kitten

I woke up this morning 6 minutes later than I was hoping to awaken.  I got out of bed and had a great breakfast, cooked and packed my lunch and snacks, showered, got dressed and was out the door in time to catch a train I normally don't take to work and arrived 10 minutes late.  While at work I realized a co-worker had taken some important documents off of my desk and used them in a way that could potentially get themselves fired.  While at lunch I saw a man talking on his cell phone and using a table, on which people like to sit their lunch, to stretch his legs by putting his dirty shoes on that table and bending over to touch his toes. On my ride home from work, I caught the train I meant to take going to work and then had two men come stand as close to me as they possibly could and there were empty seats!  I came home and called my Dad to inform him that I will not be home for Christmas.  Don't worry it gets better!

I got off the train walk into my apartment and am greeted by the new addition to the apartment, a 2 month old kitten named Dierdra.  She had been asleep and it seemed as if her wish was to wake up and see me walk through the door.  I fed her and heard her purr for the first time in the week that she's lived with us.  There have been reports that she's done it a few times before my hearing it but you can't always believe those reports, reporting things and whatnot. Dierdra and I hung out together.  We played with her favorite toy, a black shoe string, and then I made another attempt at using iDVD for burning a copy of the movie I shot with my friend.  The program had frustrated me greatly last night but tonight, it worked!  The program didn't just work, it worked exactly the way I wanted it to work.  I gave Dierdra a high five and she took a nap as if to say, "My work here is done."

I then had a great workout, cooked a tasty dinner and saw on Facebook that a friend of mine from home felt a sense of pride because of the grades she earned despite the odds that are against her.  My mom sent me a text to tell me that she is feeling good and that she Loves me.  I experienced frustration, anger, confusion, disappointment, hospitality, joy, pride, and Love in less than 24 hours.

Sitting here laughing and shaking my head, I find it funny that in life you can start clumsily and finish gracefully.  I've watched little Miss Dierdra fall off of a table, a chair, a bed, and a couch.  You would think such a clumsy start to life and being so small would intimidate her from realizing her potential.  She simply shakes it off, and tries again at success. Watching her, I see that her success IS the trying.  She's learning how to solve her problems, one shaky and clumsy start after another on her way to becoming a graceful cat.

On days like today, I'm thankful that I had the grace of a kitten to begin the day.  What matters is how you finish the day, learning from the stumbles and perplexing events along the way.


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