New Beginning

You may find it odd that I'm titling this post "new beginning" at the end of a year.  Well, as you can see, I have updated my website and when I did that, my old blog was lost, hence a new blog and a new beginning!

I'm going to do my best to stick to the goal of writing/blogging daily.  You may get tired of reading, I may get tired of writing and hell, this thing might just become the next best thing.  We won't know until I get started so enough with the small talk. 

This blog will be about yours truly, my daily experiences as an artist/human being in NYC and my favorite things.  I pride myself on being a working artist.  Yes, I may be starving at times but I find that the Universe sees to it that I'm always working and for that, I am always grateful.  2012 has been a year of ups and downs but the one constant has been acting work and tapping into my creative talents musically and on stage. 

If you haven't, please take a few minutes to check out my website, time for a shameless self promo, There you will get the latest news on upcoming projects, check out my music, watch clips of me in action and can even drop me a note by using the contact form.  I'm really excited about sharing my experiences as an artist in NYC with you.  There is never a dull moment even when the work seems slow.  If I'm not working, I'm working at working.  I've been asked, "Have you had to wait tables?" Happily, and oddly enough, I can say that I have NOT.  I have been blessed enough to be able to do, on a daily basis, what I moved to NYC to do a decade ago in August 2013.  There have been some bumps in the road.  I've even had to sleep on the subway over night and it wasn't for an acting gig.  That said, the experiences I've accumulated in this great city along with the training I received at the University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music, BFA '03, have molded and shaped me into what I aptly named this blog:

A Working Artist


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